Tonight I'm heading over to POP Inc. headquarters in Minneapolis to work on some backing vocals for their upcoming performance in support of the Thought Thieves CD release. I'm particularly excited about this mini-project because I've been in the same extended circle of friends as the fabulous Brooke Aldridge of POP Inc. for a decade, at least, and this is literally our first encounter as musicians and gal pals. I'm looking forward to the sass that's about to be unleashed on the world and the awesome outfits ahead. Ground Zero / 4-29 / 21+ 9pm

Later this month I'll be performing at Nick & Eddie, my second time
there, with the local burlesque troupe Bawdy Blue. I've been interwebs friends with the beautiful Claire Voyant for a time and things finally came together to perform together. Looks like it's a month of meeting new female performers in the Cities and extending my artistic/social reach and versatility! Check out the Facebook page to RSVP and get all the juicy details. Did I mention this a 4/20 show with crazy burlesque dancers and a few gorgeous songstresses in the mix?

Literally the day after the Bawdy Blue show I start a three night run at
Patrick's Cabaret for the Somewhat Sci-Fi Variety Show. Running April 21st-23rd (Thursday thru Saturday night).As with my last few runs at Patrick's it's going to be a ball! By Saturday night the house will be churning like a sexy art mill, filled to the brim with awesome excitement. It always is! I'll be performing my Metropolis number and adding one or more songs to my performance. I have pre-sale tickets ($8), contact me if you'd like some!
I'll be doing some costume and prop work for the upcoming shows and I hope to see my friends and my fans there. March was a difficult month, personally, and my chances to get out and reconnect in the coming month are at shows. I'm going to make a concerted effort to get some specific people out this
month to have a great time and relax with pre and post perfor-
mance. The weather is warmer and it's time to enjoy the out
doors, new friends and some really exciting events.
<3! WE LOVE YOU + CAN'T WAIT... <3!