Today is the Vernal Equinox. The day when my part of the Earth turns it's face back toward the Sun in a move to growth and life.
Friends are starting seedlings, plotting plans, getting engaged and finding success at sxsw. While strangers across the world are suffering and dying. In trying to make sense of it, as an artist, I always look toward the larger, more physical reasons for discontent. Maybe we are in a new age of the world?
Maybe I am just like everyone else, looking only out of my own eyes to see things just the way I'd like to. I know history and all the tragedies and accomplishments of man but I wasn't really there, consciously I can't understand it for the simple fact that I am me, and can only aspire to be more. To have a continual consciousness and compassion for all around me, while being emotionally at rest.
I closed my eyes a few days ago to think of Japan and meditate on the human condition there. To try and put my mind and heart in the place where people exist there now. Without having watched any video of the events (Having only internet (no tv) means I get to chose if I'm horrified or educated, I generally chose education and articles over video news.) I allowed my mind to imagine the life people are suffering right now. The rest of my day was spent in reflection on humanity, family and loss.
I gave some money to the relief effort last week but it wasn't very satisfying, to be honest. It seemed like I needed to make a different kind of impact, of course along side financial. I want to curate a benefit show to send energy and money to the people of Japan. I see this as a chance to get a collective consciousness going in my circle of friends toward a global attitude.
I'd like to see a multi-room venue with many different kinds of artists and musicians using the space to help people send energy to the people still suffering. Bringing in local musicians who can work in the theme and put effort toward a common goal of opening ourselves to the energy of the world and what people are dealing with here. Compassion.
Beautiful. Thanks for your words. I wish I lived closer and could share in this wonderful project you envision. Blessed be, my friend, and welcome to Spring.