free demos

For those of you looking to dig deeper into my musical portfolio I offer up some archives and stand alone tracks from throughout the span of my recording.

Cats With Bulimia
This was a fun home project with a close friend of mine that lasted several years and is still open to future collaborations. It's raw, home recorded noise pop with a sick twist. There's a definite punk element from our song about Menstruation entitled "Flowing" in which we scream and bark like dogs.
This was a project about unabashed expression, noise and tape recording. If you like Ween, Sifl & Ollie or any Adult Swim cartoons you'll find a song that makes you blow milk out of your nose in these archives.

Axiom In Use
I spent some time in rural Minnesota with a copy of Acid Pro and a lot of coffee. There are some intricately programmed tunes in this archive, the arrangments I'm most proud of can be found here. There aren't a lot of vocals but plenty of sampling and noise as well. These songs are all electronic and finished in Sony Soundforge.

My only rock band to date. It consisted of a basement filled with various strange persons such as myself. Permanently on drums we had the only punk rock neuroscientist on earth and occasionally we'd throw a party or two and let loose, getting some other folks involved. I would say this is mostly online for my own benefit, audio scrapbook of friends and old times, but you might also find it hilarious and fun.

Stand Alone Tracks
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